Sunday, May 11, 2008

An Apology

You may have noticed there have been no new posts in quite a long time.

The reason for this is that I haven't been in the right frame of mind to prepare them. To write a good post, I have to be really involved with the question, and troubled about it myself, and at the moment I'm not questioning things in the same way. I could try to write things to keep the blog going, but it would be a chore, and I doubt they would be very good. I expect that sometime I will get back into it, so do check back occasionally, or send me an email (gregornewton(at)gmail(dot)com) and I'll let you know when I get back into it.

For the time being, I hope you have been enriched by what I've written, and that you continue to question everything that's at the heart of Christianity, as I have been doing and continue to do daily.

I hope to be writing more soon!