Sunday, December 30, 2007

No blogs in January

I’m taking a break! Partly because I’ll be away for some of January, and partly because I need some time to catch up and put together some much-researched topics, I won’t be posting any blogs in January. But come back on the 3rd of February for regular weekly thoughtfulness once again.

If you think you’ll forget in that long, or would just like a reminder, or if you have some thoughts, questions or opinions, send me an email at gregornewton(at)gmail(dot)com

See below for this week's blog.

Take care and God bless,



Cale said...

Hey Gregor,
I didn't know where to give you these questions and hopefully you'll find this comment to answer them!

1. Do you believe the Earth was created by God 6000 years ago, following what Genesis states? Bearing in mind the immense amount of scientific data proving it has been around a lot longer. To quote a book I read today, that date "is about a thousand years after the Sumerians invented glue".
2. A different but related topic: how do you feel about Christians these days picking and choosing the bits of the Bible they agree with? Lots of believers will read and love the Gospels but have serious doubts about the truth of Genesis. Where is the line, if indeed there is one? Are you a 'Biblicist' or do you believe making your own interpretations about what God really meant is okay?

Again, I deeply apologise if I offend. All the best!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gregor - January is over :p

Looking forward to reading more thought patterns :-)