Sunday, February 3, 2008

Prayer with purpose

What is the point of prayer? Doesn’t God already know our hearts?

For a while I’ve questioned just why we pray, because once you really start thinking about it, you realise that God already knows everything! Then why does Jesus tell us to pray, echoed by other New and Old Testament writers?

Essentially I think prayer is about communication. A core facet of the Christian faith is that God is active and interested in our lives, and wants us to share with Him in life, worship and prayer. I really don’t think it’s about us having to bring our concerns before God or else He won’t know them, or to earn God’s favour. God already knows our thoughts, and also what’s actually good for us. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t talk to Him. Think of it like any strong relationship. There may be no doubt about the love shared, but there’s still something special and meaningful in actually coming out and saying it face-to-face. Why not the same with God?

Prayer is also a two way street, something I think we forget a lot. It’s one thing to say “God, you know everything, thanks”, and quite another to talk to God about just what’s going on, what you want, and how you understand God to play a part. Just as it can be helpful talking to a friend in good times or bad to work through stuff, so can talking to God. And God speaks to us through prayer too, in various ways for different people.

Similarly, coming before God in prayer is humbling and respectful for us. We can’t simply assume God will provide for our needs, rather we need to come before God and present our requests before Him. I think this is really important, the idea that prayer is a way of showing respect. And that’s where praise comes in too. God doesn’t need our praises, but they are still incredibly important to Him. And we need them as a part of honouring our creator. God’s worthy of them, and thus it’s fitting that we give God our praises, whether He strictly needs them or not.

That’s why I think an empty prayer is next to useless. God looks for prayer with depth and integrity, something you honestly want to bring before Him. Romans 8:26 says “We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express”. I think this captures really well what I think of prayer, realising that in the end it’s not the neatly crafted words we put together, but the way we bring the whole of ourselves before God, even when it’s beyond words.

Finally, God listens to prayers. He may not always agree with us, but He listens when we ask honestly for things, and is not oblivious to our wants and desires brought with an honest heart (that is, not with greed, but with love). He’s not above our own requests, and will listen to what we want too. His answer may be different to what we want, but God will always provide an answer, in His own time, and by His own wisdom, which is far greater than ours!

In a different aspect of prayer, that of praying for others, I think the same sorts of ideas apply, especially with God listening to what we ask when we pray. But also that in asking another person to pray for you it’s not about more ‘power’ in more people asking God for the same thing, but rather sharing our own concerns or issues with others around us in a Christian community.

So in considering why we actually pray, I don’t see it in any way to be ‘nagging’ God or letting God know things He doesn’t already, but being willing and open to talk with our God. In any real relationship with another being communication is a given, and God’s no different. I know I've put a lot of emphasis on us and our needs in prayer, and that's deliberate. While I know God values prayer and that it's important for Him too, I think its core importance does centre on us, and God's love for us. God may not need us to pray to Him, but we absolutely need it for our relationship with Him, and so it becomes essential to the Christian faith. As with any relationship, there are times when I can’t help but talk with God, and others when it’s a struggle. But for me, prayer is fundamental to my faith. If I don’t talk to my God, there’s a whole part of my faith missing. If we believe God is active in our lives and listens to us, why wouldn’t we pray? I think it’s only natural.

Some Bible verses to check out on this topic: Romans 8:26; James 5:13-18; Luke 5:15-16; Romans 15:30-33; Matthew 6:7-13.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dude, couple of books you might be interested in reading on prayer, practices and spiritual formation:

a) Practicing Our Faith (and all the followinf books following up on each practice)

b) Way to Live by Dorothy Bass (goes throug practices, issues, and spiritual formation, written by young people with a mentor)

c) Soul Tending - Life Forming Practices for Older Youth and Young Adults ISBN-13: 9780687030798

d) God Bearing Life by Kenda Creasy Dean

there are more, but i think ths is a decent starter list :P